About Rock + Gem Groupie

Currently following Rock and Gem Shows around Washington State.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

...well, more food and rocks, really.
We probably won't post too much about sex. . . oh, who am I kidding?

This is a picture that Kathy took at Deception Pass. It's so beautiful- a glimpse of Washington's blessed nature. It doesn't have much to do with minerals and gems, but it does depict a rock.


Flourita said...

I love your web-site & your shirts are awesome! I am definitely going to order a couple!

Moonstone said...

Well thank you Fluorita for your high praises.However I must confess that all the credit belongs solely to the multi-talented,uber-creative, rock and gem groupie extraordinare,Cindy Sunstone.......(waiting for applause to die down). My main (and only) contribution to our rockrageous odyssey is in the capacity of photographer.We are glad you were able to join us for the Regional Rock and Gem show at Seattle Center over the weekend.
Kathy Moonstone